What if there was a way to reduce symptoms of neurological conditions by watching a movie or listening to music? There actually is thanks to neurofeedback at a Dallas brain center. Neurofeedback is a form of biofeedback therapy where you are hooked up to a machine that measures electrical activity in your brain while you’re awake. This data is used to help train your brain to regulate itself naturally through focus exercises like counting breaths or relaxing your muscles.

The goal is to retrain your brain to regulate itself better, and eventually, the treatment will make it easier to manage stress and improve symptoms. This therapy has been shown to reduce symptoms in many mental health conditions including ADHD, depression, and anxiety.

Conditions our Dallas Brain Center Can Treat

Through neurofeedback, much mental health and neurological conditions can be treated to reduce or mitigate symptoms. Some of the top conditions that can be addressed via this therapy include:


  • Anxiety

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • Depression

  • Learning disabilities

  • PTSD and more.

Some physical conditions that neurofeedback can help with include:

  • Chronic pain

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Concussions or TBIs

  • Migraines

  • Seizures and more

The Power of Neurofeedback

New technology has been developed that allows us to measure brain activity in real-time and use that information to help treat various conditions. Neurofeedback has proven to be extremely effective when managed correctly by a trained clinician. Many case studies show that neurofeedback has helped improve people’s lives. Studies show that people of all ages experience significant improvements in their conditions.

These results are so common that they’re no longer ignored. It’s important to note that it takes time for neurofeedback to take effect, and it may take some time before your brain adapts to your new behaviors. However, if you stick with them long enough, you might be able to get rid of your dependence on prescription medications and experience great relief from your symptoms.

Neurofeedback has been shown to be effective at changing the timing in the brains of people who receive the therapy. Neurofeedback studies have been published in countless scientific journals and it’s used by thousands of licensed health professionals around the world. It could be the best new tool available for your mental health.

Find Yourself Again at our Dallas Brain Center

As we age, we often feel like we’re falling apart. But there’s good news – you don’t have to live with anxiety, depression, stress, insomnia, or pain forever. In fact, you can improve your quality of life with neurofeedback at our brain center in Dallas.

At Braincode Centers, we are here to help you navigate the confusing world of mental health treatment options. Our goal is to provide you with the best care possible while helping you understand what works best for you. We work with you one-on-one to develop a personalized approach to your recovery and treatment plan. We will provide the tools needed for every step of your journey.

Braincode Centers is Your Go-To Brain Center in Dallas

Contact Braincode Centers today to start your treatment through neurofeedback with our Dallas brain center today!