Do you Need Counseling for High-Functioning Autism in Dallas?

High-functioning autism spectrum disorders are less common than moderate to severe forms of autism, but they still affect around one out of every 50 people. While there isn’t much research on how to treat high-functioning autism, many experts agree that early detection and intervention can make a big difference in improving outcomes. As such, many people seek out counseling for high-functioning autism in Dallas.

What is Autism?

Autistic spectrum disorder is a lifelong developmental disability characterized by persistent deficits in social communication and restricted interests and activities. Children with ASD are diagnosed based on observations of behaviors such as repetitive speech patterns, unusual sensory reactions, difficulty making eye contact, and trouble understanding others’ emotions. In addition to language development, motor skills, and executive functioning problems those behavioral traits, children with ASD tend to show problems with language development, motor skills, and executive functioning.

The cause of autism is unknown. Researchers believe it could be caused by genetic factors, prenatal exposure to certain viruses, environmental toxins, nutritional deficiencies, or immune system dysfunction. Another theory suggests that some cases of autism are due to a combination of genetic and environmental risk factors.

If you’re struggling with ASD symptoms, here are some things you might want to consider:

  • • Take care of yourself. Eating well, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and taking breaks throughout the day can help keep your mood stable.
  • • Get involved in activities that you enjoy. You’ll find that participating in social events and volunteer activities can boost your self-esteem.
  • • Talk to your family, friends, and healthcare providers about what you’re experiencing. They can provide insight into how to best address your needs.
  • • Learn skills you can use to improve your ability to communicate. These include learning how to read facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice, practicing eye contact, and learning strategies for expressing emotions.
  • Neurofeedback for Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Most people will seek out counseling for high-functioning autism in Dallas to alleviate their symptoms and improve their daily lives. However, counseling isn’t the only treatment available. Neurofeedback for is a non-invasive side-effect-free treatment that can be used to treat autism.

    Can Neurofeedback Help ASD?

    Neurofeedback is a type of biofeedback therapy where brain waves are measured and used to help individuals learn how to control their symptoms. Brainwave activity is measured via electroencephalography (EEG) technology, which uses electrodes placed on the scalp to detect electrical signals generated by neurons firing within the brain. EEG measures changes in voltage over the surface of the head, which reflect changes in neural activity associated with cognitive processes such as attention, memory, learning, perception, and consciousness.

    Some neurofeedback techniques measure alpha wave activity, while others assess the beta, gamma, or theta frequencies. In addition to counseling for high-functioning autism in Dallas, neurofeedback can also be a viable option for treatment and can be integrated seamlessly into any therapeutic plan.

    One study found that children with ASD showed improved performance on tasks requiring sustained focus and attention following eight weeks of neurofeedback training. This improvement lasted up to three months after treatment ceased. A second study found that children with ADHD showed significant improvements in working memory following neurofeedback training. This research is relevant for ASD because these conditions can co-occur for many individuals. These findings suggest that neurofeedback may be useful in treating both ASD and ADHD.

    Start Neurofeedback for High-Functioning Autism in Dallas

    At Braincode Centers, we work alongside clients to help them better understand, accommodate, and support their needs and symptoms. Our highly trained clinicians offer guidance and support through the lifelong process of treating symptoms of autism spectrum disorder. Not only do we offer neurofeedback services, but we can provide counseling as well.

    If you’ve been diagnosed with ASD or searching for counseling for high-functioning autism in Dallas, contact our expert clinicians today to set up a consultation and see if neurofeedback is right for you.