There are so many ways you can go about treating your depression. It’s possible that you have tried several avenues already. Some treatments involve medication, invasive measures, or disruptive procedures that all may come with heavy side effects. Other traditional treatment options include counseling and psychotherapy. If you’ve tried these traditional methods of treatment and are unhappy with the results or side effects, you may want to consider the top alternative treatments for depression.

What does alternative treatment mean?

The term “alternative treatment” may sound slightly intimidating and may feel outside of your comfort zone. But alternative treatments are nothing to be concerned about and they are as conventional of a treatment these days as some traditional medical forms of depression treatment.

All that alternative treatment really means is that there is another way to treat a given illness or condition other than what has been prescribed by your doctor. Many of these treatments can even be complementary to your traditional treatment plan.

How do I know which alternative treatments for depression work best for me?

If you’re experiencing symptoms of depression there are several drug-free, natural options you can try. Each option comes with its own benefits and potential drawbacks. Some of the most common alternative treatments for depression include:

  • Herbs: Natural treatments and home remedies may be good for milder forms of depression. Some herbal supplements have been shown to help treat depression in a handful of studies. However, herbal supplements are not approved by the FDA as safe or effective treatment options for this condition. Be sure to talk to your doctor before taking any herbal supplements.
  • Acupuncture: A treatment that involves the use of fine needles that prick the skin, acupuncture may be effective in decreasing depression. For people who suffer from both pain and depression, acupuncture may be better than counseling and other standards of care at reducing both ( However, it can be unsafe if you have a bleeding disorder and results require further scientific confirmation.
  • Meditation and Yoga: People who meditate or practice yoga report feeling calmer and less stressed than those who don’t. Studies suggest that these practices may improve moods and reduce symptoms of depression. Yoga has also been shown to increase levels of serotonin in the brain.
  • Massage therapy: Multiple scientific research studies have shown that massage therapy has helped people with depression. However, most of these studies were small and had limited follow up.
  • Neurofeedback: Neurofeedback is a science-backed, drug-free treatment focused on retraining the brain to improve depression. In this practice, the medical treatment and support are focused exclusively on the chemical frequencies in the brain. However, symptoms of depression can often be directly linked to the electrical frequencies in your brain, so effective treatment frequently requires a more inclusive and also more targeted approach. Neurofeedback offers that.
  • The good news is that there are many different types of alternative treatments out there to treat depression and major depressive disorder. Natural therapies such as neurofeedback are science-backed to help improve brain health and may help treat a wide number of psychological conditions. You just need to find one intervention technique that works best for you!

Treat Your Depression with Neurofeedback in Denver and Dallas

There are many reasons to opt for drug-free alternative treatments for depression. If you’re looking for a treatment with virtually no side effects and that can lead to long-lasting relief, neurofeedback is right for you. Here at Braincode Centers in Denver and Dallas, we know how frustrating it can be to try treatment option after treatment option with no success, or with unwelcome aftereffects.

If conventional therapies aren’t giving you the relief you need, contact us today to learn more about your options for an alternative depression treatment in Denver and Dallas.