Patients ask us this question on a daily basis when they visit our offices. “What is brain mapping used for?” And we are always happy to provide clear answers for every patient’s experience in our offices. Brain mapping is the study of the anatomy of the brain and spinal cord using advanced imaging techniques. It can be used for a variety of purposes.

This therapy helps clinicians gather key information about your brain’s functionality. Brain mapping typically measures brain wave activity, but it can also gather other types of information. The goal of brain mapping is to create accurate representations of the structure and function of the human brain. Let’s dive into some of the ways that a brain map can benefit you.

What is Brain Mapping Used for?

Brain mapping is used to study and understand the brain, or more specifically, our brain waves. Clinicians study these brainwaves to diagnose mental health issues and learn more about various mental health afflictions.

One type of brainmap, called qEEG brainmap helps specialists see the brain’s electrical activity in real-time. EEG stands for Electroencephalography, which is the study of brain waves. This test creates a detailed image of the brain’s electrical activity that shows what parts of the brain are working together. Specialists can then use this information to determine if there are any problems with the patient.

Brain waves are measured by Electroencephalogram (EEG) technology, which is also known as QEEG. Quantitative EEG measures how many brain waves there are compared to normal brain wave activity. This measurement is called “Q” because it measures the number of brain waves in a specific quantity. The brain waves are measured by using electrodes attached to the scalp. A computer program then analyzes the results in real-time and creates a map of brain activity.

What Happens During a qEEG test?

A qEEG test measures brain activity by placing sensors in various spots around your scalp. Your brain wave activity will then be visible on a screen and you’ll work through a series of exercises with your clinician.

Brain mapping tests consist of two parts:

  • Recording brain waves
  • Creating a multi-colored brain map

The technician will record your brain’s activity, you must be relaxed and calm during this part of the test. This helps you reduce muscle activity and relax your body. Usually, the recording takes about 10 to 20 minutes.

What can Brain Mapping Show You?

A brain map is often used to discover which parts of the brain are functioning properly and which parts are not functioning optimally. Brain mapping can help clinicians better understand how mental health afflictions may be impacting your health and how to best mitigate the symptoms. People with the following conditions may benefit greatly from a qEEG brain map:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Seizures
  • Insomnia
  • Epilepsy
  • Head injury
  • Memory problems
  • Etc.

Try Brain Mapping Today to Treat Your Mental Health

Hopefully we provided a clear answer to the question “what is brain mapping used for?” If you are interested in utilizing this therapy for your health, you’ve come to the right place. At Braincode Centers, we can offer the mental health support you’ve been looking for.

We can create a qEEG brain map for you to guide a personalized treatment plan for your mental health. With our expertise and guidance, we can help you overcome negative symptoms so you can enjoy a better quality of life. Drugs provide temporary relief while brain mapping treats the root of the problem.

If you’re looking to improve your daily life through the discovery of brain mapping, contact Braincode Centers today for a free consultation.