Chronic headaches are often one of the easiest bodily pains to recognize. Most people can tell you what makes them feel better – whether it’s lying down, drinking water, taking aspirin, or getting out of bed. But there are many types of chronic headaches, each with its own causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. In terms of natural non-invasive treatment, biofeedback can help alleviate chronic headaches.

The most common types of recurring headaches include tension headaches, migraines, sinus headaches, cluster headaches, and others. They’re easy to identify because they usually involve pain near the eyes or temples, light sensitivity, nausea, or vomiting. However, not every headache fit into these categories.

There are several reasons why someone might experience an intense headache. A few common examples include:

• Stress

• Excessive caffeine

• Too much alcohol

• Changes in blood pressure

The exact cause of chronic headaches can be difficult to pinpoint because many factors can influence these head pains. However, there are things you can do to lessen the pain and frequency of your headache attacks, like seeking biofeedback therapy.

Biofeedback for Chronic Headaches

Biofeedback is a well-established non-pharmaceutical technique for treating migraines and tension-related headache pain. In fact, many studies suggest that biofeedback may be useful for treating migraine headache pain. In addition, biofeedback has been shown to help people manage their stress levels, and it may also lower health care costs by reducing unnecessary visits to doctors’ offices.

Biofeedback therapy works for recurring headaches also known as migraines by helping patients learn how to regulate their body temperatures and efficiency. Also referred to as EMG biofeedback, this therapy involves the process of placing electrodes on the scalp and forehead to detect muscle tension. While patients wear this device, they will press a button whenever they feel a headache coming on. The device monitors the electrical activity of muscles involved with headaches and irregular brain waves are measured.

Benefits of Biofeedback for Migraines and Other Headaches

Biofeedback may be useful for people who suffer from chronic migraines. Everyone has different results, so it’s worth remembering that a treatment that works for someone else might not necessarily be right for you. Benefits include reduced frequency or migraines and easier recognition of triggers.

Biofeedback is a non-invasive treatment with no known risks or complications. Before beginning biofeedback therapy, consult with your physician if you have any medical conditions or concerns.

It’s important to look for someone who has experience administering biofeedback and training in the technique. The clinicians at Braincode Centers have the experience to properly administer biofeedback and provide recommendations based on results.

Biofeedback As a Drug-Free Treatment for Chronic Headaches

Biofeedback helps people learn new ways to respond to stressful situations, such as chronic headaches. With new, more efficient neural pathways, you can improve your cognitive abilities. More than half of biofeedback patients struggling with migraines report substantial pain relief thanks to the therapy, while nearly all patients experience a decrease in related symptoms.

If you struggle with chronic head pains, your headache days can be significantly reduced, if not eliminated entirely, with biofeedback training. Contact Braincode Centers today to learn more about treating your migraines without drugs.