The term “bipolar disorder” refers to a group of mental disorders characterized by extreme shifts in mood, often alternating between states of mania and depression. In addition to these mood changes, people suffering from bipolar disorder may experience other symptoms like delusions and hallucinations. If you’re interested in exploring another bipolar disorder treatment in Dallas, we’ve got a reliable option to address your needs.

Neurofeedback is an advanced brain training therapy that can be leveraged for a wide array of mental health conditions. Let’s dive into some ways that it may benefit you and your bipolar disorder.

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorders

A person with bipolar disorder can exhibit both manic behavior (such as feeling euphoric or intensely productive) and depressive behavior (such as feeling down or seriously fatigued). Mania occurs when someone feels extremely happy, energetic, and excited. Depression occurs when someone feels very low, hopeless, and sad. A person with bipolar disorder can go through cycles of mania and depression, which are known as manic and depressive episodes.

Depression is a common symptom of bipolar disorder. People who suffer from this symptom may feel sad, anxious, guilty, worthless, irritable, angry, lonely, tired, and frustrated. Many people who suffer from depression don’t realize they’re depressed because they believe they’re just having a bad day.

Fortunately, there are resources for bipolar disorder treatment in Dallas. Neurofeedback and neuroimaging techniques for bipolar disorder are commonly used and can offer relief from symptoms. Now let’s look at this mental health condition and the options that make it more manageable.

Neurofeedback for Bipolar Disorder Treatment in Dallas

Neurofeedback is a non-invasive, drug-free technique that uses electroencephalography (EEG) technology to help people learn to control their brainwaves. It has been used successfully in clinical settings for many years with anxiety disorders, depression, and other mental illnesses. Neurofeedback is also being studied for the treatment of ADHD, OCD, PTSD, eating disorders, substance abuse, and sleep disorders.

Neurofeedback for bipolar treatment works by measuring electrical signals in the brain. These signals reflect the level of alertness, relaxation, motivation, and attention of the patient. Through repeated training sessions, neurofeedback can teach patients how to better regulate their brains by providing real-time visual feedback on their electrical signals.

How Long Does Treatment Last?

Neurofeedback is one of the most effective treatments for helping individuals improve attention, focus, memory, learning ability, and mood. However, there are many different types of neurofeedback programs, each designed for a particular purpose.

While a typical neurofeedback therapy session won’t last longer than an hour, the length of your neurofeedback treatment plan depends on your specific needs and goals.

To develop that treatment plan, your neurofeedback clinician will create a qEEG brain map for you to identify areas that need the most attention. Once your clinician has a better understanding of your needs, they will be able to identify the optimal number of sessions needed for your unique situation.

Ready to Start Treatment with Neurofeedback?

Braincode Centers specializes in neurofeedback treatments for a wide range of mental health conditions including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, ADHD, insomnia, migraines, and more. Our team provides individualized care tailored to each patient’s needs. In addition, we offer both talk therapy and neurofeedback treatments to complement each other for the optimal benefit of our patients.

If you are interested in learning more about our programs, contact us today.