Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that can significantly impact a person’s life. This condition is also known as manic depression, and it involves extreme shifts in mood, energy levels, and behavior. During manic episodes, people with bipolar disorder may feel elated and energized. This can lead to them becoming delusional and making rash decisions. On the other hand, during depressive episodes, they may feel hopelessness and despair. These mood swings can occur occasionally or frequently, but no matter how often you experience them it’s important to find an effective bipolar disorder treatment in Dallas.

How Does Bipolar Disorder Affect Life?

It is important to note that bipolar disorder is not just about feeling happy or sad; it is much more complex than that. People with bipolar disorder often experience intense emotions that are out of proportion for their current situation. These individuals may also have difficulty concentrating or making decisions due to their racing thoughts or lack of motivation during depressive episodes.

Traditional treatments for bipolar disorder include medication, psychotherapy, lifestyle changes, and support from family and friends. That said, there are many alternative methods of treatment that have been shown to be effective for bipolar disorder. With proper treatment, individuals with bipolar disorder can regain balance in their daily life and lead healthy lives full of meaningful relationships and activities.

Your Best Options for Bipolar Disorder Treatment in Dallas

Many people, including those with the most severe forms of bipolar disorder, can benefit from a treatment plan. Typically, a traditional treatment plan includes a combination of medication and counseling (also known as talk therapy).


Prescription medications can be an important part of managing bipolar disorder. However, the appropriate dosage is different for each individual. Mood stabilizers, such as lithium or valproate, are commonly prescribed to help prevent mood episodes or reduce the severity of the episodes. Lithium is also known to decrease the risk of suicide in people with bipolar disorder. In addition to mood stabilizers, other medications may be added to the treatment plan, such as those that target sleep issues or anxiety spikes.

It is important for individuals with bipolar disorder to work closely with their healthcare provider when taking any type of prescription medication. This includes discussing potential side effects and monitoring progress over time. It is also important to remember that medications alone cannot treat bipolar disorder; lifestyle changes and psychotherapy are also necessary components of a comprehensive treatment plan.

People taking medication should:

  • Consult with your healthcare provider to evaluate the potential risks and benefits of each medication.

  • Inform your healthcare provider of any medications, supplements, or over-the-counter drugs you are currently taking.

  • If you experience any side effects, be sure to inform your healthcare provider right away; they may need to adjust the dosage or switch medications.

  • Remember to stay up to date with bipolar disorder medication, taking the necessary dosage even when feeling good, as instructed by a doctor.

To learn the fundamentals of bipolar medications, check out NIMH’s Mental Health Medications guide. You can also find the most up-to-date information about medications, patient medication guides, and warnings on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) website.


Psychotherapy has been shown to help people with bipolar disorder better manage their symptoms. During therapy, you’ll speak with a therapist about the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors you’re experiencing. Through psychotherapy, individuals can learn how to identify triggers for episodes of mania or depression and develop strategies for managing them.

Specialized therapy techniques may be utilized depending on your needs. For instance, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an important treatment for depression, and insomnia-adapted CBT can be especially helpful as a component of bipolar depression treatment. Other innovative therapies like interpersonal and social rhythm therapy (IPSRT) and family-focused therapy may be employed.

The goal of psychotherapy is to help people with bipolar disorder gain insight into their condition, recognize patterns in their behavior, and develop coping skills that will enable them to better manage their symptoms. Psychotherapy can also provide support, education, and guidance to people with bipolar disorder and their families.


If you’re looking for an alternative treatment for your bipolar disorder that is science-based and actually gets results, consider trying neurofeedback.

Neurofeedback training is a holistic alternative to traditional drug treatments for bipolar disorder. It works by addressing the source of the problem (imbalances in brainwave function) rather than masking the symptoms. Neurofeedback training helps to correct these disparities and restore balance in the brain. This can lead to a reduction or elimination of symptoms associated with bipolar disorder.

Studies have shown that neurofeedback can be an effective treatment for bipolar disorder and other mood disorders such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD. It has been found to be more effective than drug treatments in some cases, as it does not rely on drugs to control symptoms, but rather works directly on the brain itself to ease the cause of bipolar disorder symptoms. Neurofeedback training can help people manage their moods better and reduce or eliminate symptoms without relying on medication.

Ready to Explore Treatment with Neurofeedback?

At Braincode Centers, we are proud to offer specialized neurofeedback treatments to support people across a variety of mental health issues like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, ADHD, insomnia, and other conditions. Our team offers personalized care that meets each patient’s individual needs and we will custom build your treatment plan while accounting for any existing treatments. Plus, we offer counseling services in-clinic to help round out your neurofeedback treatment plan and allow you to get all the support you need in one place.

If you are interested in learning more about our brain training programs, contact us today.