How it WOrks
How Does Remote
Neurofeedback Work?
Remote neurofeedback is not all that different than the process you would experience in our office, however, it affords individuals who are not close to one of our eight locations and those with strict schedules the luxury of drug-free brain training for various mental performance concerns in the comfort of their own home or office. Initial Assessment
Complete your qEEG brain map remotely or in-office. This data, combined with intake forms, helps determine the best approach for your remote neurofeedback training.
Setting Up
Adjust the headset properly and ensure a calm, distraction-free environment. A Braincode Centers brain coach will guide you through creating the ideal space and training program.
Ongoing Training
Engage in operant conditioning through visual and auditory feedback via an app. Your brain coach will provide regular check-ins and adjustments to optimize your training and progress.