The human brain is by far the most complex organ in our body. It’s responsible for how we think, how we feel, and even how we act. When things get out of whack, your mental health, emotional well-being, and intellectual abilities suffer. Neurofeedback helps retrain your brain to function properly. If you’re interested in neurofeedback in Dever, we’re here to help.

What is neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is a non-invasive, drug-free biofeedback treatment method that teaches the brain to function more optimally. It uses electrodes, which are attached to the patient’s scalp, to measure abnormal brainwave activity and provide real-time feedback when the brain starts working to its full potential. Over time, this type of operant learning leads to physiological changes and improves mental well-being and performance.

How does neurofeedback train your brain?

Neurofeedback starts with a consultation where you can describe your symptoms, struggles, and what you hope to achieve from treatment.

After your consultation, you’ll have an initial evaluation where you’ll do a qEEG brain map. This brain map will provide an analysis of your brain and a customized treatment plan will be made based on the findings.

During a neurofeedback treatment session, you will sit in a reclining chair with electrodes hooked up to your head. You’ll either listen to music, play a video game, or watch a movie of your choosing. When your brainwaves are functioning the way they should, the music, game, or movie will continue to play.

When they aren’t, the music, video game, or movie will stop. When this happens, it means part of your brain is unbalanced or underperforming. Over time, this positive reward system helps your brain learn how to better respond to specific stimuli.

Typically, neurofeedback treatment works best when you receive 1-2 treatments per week. Most people need anywhere between 10 and 40 treatments in total.

It’s important to note that no energy or electrical charge is being placed into your brain. The electrode sensors attached to your head are simply listening and measuring your brainwave activity. Neurofeedback is an all-natural, holistic approach to improving your mental health.

What does neurofeedback treat?

Neurofeedback is a promising treatment for a wide range of mental and neurological conditions. Most commonly, it is used to help manage:

  • Anxiety
  • ADHD and focus
  • ASD
  • Concussions
  • Depression
  • Memory
  • Migraines and headaches
  • Trauma
  • Sleep-related disorders including insomnia
  • Traumatic brain injuries

Though neurofeedback can’t “cure” any of these conditions, it can help people better manage them.

Neurofeedback is also being used to help improve mental performance and clarity among professional athletes as well as high-level business executives.

Where to find neurofeedback in Denver, Colorado

If you’re ready to start bettering your brain, reach out to us at Braincode Centers. We take an all-natural approach to mental healthcare so you can become the best version of yourself. We offer neurofeedback at the following Denver-area locations: