It’s estimated that as many as 70% of adults in the United States will experience a traumatic event at some point in their lives. That’s approximately 223 million people. The extreme stress that trauma puts on the body prevents a person’s ability to cope and can lead to a variety of physical, psychological, and emotional symptoms. A cutting-edge therapy can offer the support your brain needs to heal. Neurofeedback therapy has been shown to promote holistic healing for those struggling with past trauma. If you’re interested in learning more about neurofeedback for trauma or PTSD, we’re breaking down the basics of how it benefits your brain.

What is neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is a type of biofeedback therapy that teaches self-regulation of brain function by measuring brainwave frequencies and providing real-time feedback. The approach uses EEG equipment to help identify, understand, and address brain areas that are out of balance.

Neurofeedback is a non-invasive, holistic treatment that is completely safe and pain-free.

Signs you’re suffering from trauma or PTSD

Trauma can stem from many different things including sexual abuse, death, war, violence, school shootings, childhood abuse or neglect, accidents, natural disasters, and physical or emotional abuse.

Trauma and PTSD are unique conditions in that the signs and symptoms you experience are completely normal responses. Still, these mental health struggles can be debilitating and greatly affect your quality of life. Common signs of trauma or PTSD include:

  • Headaches, backaches, stomachaches, and muscle tension
  • Sudden sweating, heart palpitations, and increased heart rate
  • Changes in sleep patterns, mood, appetite, and interests
  • Anger, irritability, edginess, and agitation
  • Anxiety, stress, depression, and fear
  • Difficulty concentrating or completing tasks
  • Persistent feelings of guilt, shame, and self-blame
  • Withdrawal from daily activities and loved ones
  • Feelings of disconnect or numbness
  • Insomnia, nightmares, and flashbacks
  • Difficulty trusting others
  • Increased use of alcohol or drugs
  • How trauma affects the brain

A traumatic experience triggers a severe stress response which leads to changes in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex of the brain. This part of the brain is responsible for modulating emotions, such as fear or stress.

Traumatic events can also lead to changes in the amygdala and hippocampus of the brain. The amygdala is the part of your brain that’s responsible for your emotional memory, while the hippocampus controls your long-term memory.

These changes to the physical structure of the brain greatly impact brainwave function.

How neurofeedback for trauma helps heal the brain

Neurofeedback treatment begins with the completion of a qEEG brain map. This helps identify any abnormal brainwave frequencies and guides a personalized treatment plan to address them.

During a treatment session, patients receive real-time feedback that signifies changes in their brain’s electrical activity. When your brain functions optimally, a reward is given, which helps condition your brainwaves towards more optimal behavior.

Over time, this type of repetition helps rewire and reshape the brain.

Find neurofeedback for trauma in Denver, Dallas, or near you

If you’re struggling with trauma or PTSD, we are here to help. At Braincode Centers, we’re dedicated to helping you heal your brain and feel like your normal self again. Our specialists will work with you to understand your symptoms and develop a customized treatment plan.

If you’re located in Denver or Dallas, we offer in-person neurofeedback sessions. If you’re located elsewhere, we can still support you with remote neurofeedback options.

Contact Braincode Centers today to learn how neurofeedback can benefit you.