The mind is a complex mechanism that experts are still learning about today. There is no shortage of things we don’t know about the brain, but there are also quite a few things we do know. We can use this information to treat disorders, improve focus, boost performance, and so much more. Neurofeedback is just one of the many tools that clinicians can use to tap into the performance of the brain, down to the specific pathways responsible for certain behaviors. Through a qEEG brain map, we can identify where your brain is over- or under-performing and develop targeted brain training to help you achieve specific goals. Now, these types of treatments and activities can seem kind of intimidating – especially when you don’t know much about them. Let’s discuss some of the lesser-know facts about neurofeedback brain training available in Denver.

What Is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is a form of brain training that leverages positive reinforcement to encourage specific reactions to various stimuli. For example, you may have a neural pathway that is firing too frequently and preventing you from falling asleep. Maybe you’re struggling with symptoms of panic when you are in a crowded space. This could be the result of the pathways responsible for keeping you calm underperforming. When you seek out neurofeedback brain training in Denver, you’ll undergo a brain map that will identify these problems. A clinician will help you map the activity in your brain to symptoms you may be experiencing on a daily basis. Then, you’ll develop a training plan that will help you overcome these struggles by treating the problem at the source.

The Benefits of Neurofeedback Brain Training in Denver

Neurofeedback and other forms of brain training can be highly beneficial in a wide variety of categories. From improving your cognitive function to treating very specific mental health conditions, it’s certainly a treatment worth considering. Let’s dive into some of the specific benefits you can gain when you try neurofeedback brain training in Denver.

Boost Your Memory

The process of storing and retrieving memories is complex. Different types of memories are handled by different parts of the brain. You aren’t going to activate the same neural pathways when retrieving a short-term memory that you will when accessing a long-term memory. Because of that, improving memory – whether just for the sake of it or because you’ve been diagnosed with a cognitive impairment like dementia – can be especially challenging. Neurofeedback brain training for memory improvement has been proven time and time again to be an effective tool. Patients in countless research studies have shown better focus and concentration, as well as faster and more frequent recall.

Improve Your Skills

From athletes to musicians, anyone who wants to improve their capabilities can benefit from neurofeedback brain training. The training model that neurofeedback is based on can improve your cognitive processing speed and reaction times. The nature of this brain training method also helps people manage and respond to stress, making performance under pressure easier and more successful.

Manage Your Pain

Finding an effective way to treat pain without negative or even debilitating side effects is a challenge for many, many Americans. In the wake of an opioid epidemic, neurofeedback brain training has become popular in Denver as a method for treating pain. While the controlled studies are limited, a number of chronic pain patients have experienced a reduction in intensity overtime. Additionally, neurofeedback brain training can aide in the treatment of the supplementary side effects that many people who suffer from chronic pain experience, including fatigue and depression.

Treat Injuries or Other Health Conditions

Last, but certainly not least, as the list of benefits you can reap from neurofeedback is quite extensive, is the ability of neurofeedback brain training to treat a wide variety of injuries and other health conditions, including:

  • Concussion
  • Stroke
  • Compulsive Behavior
  • PTSD
  • Migraines
  • Epilepsy
  • Parkinson’s Syndrome
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Schizophrenia
  • Restless Leg Syndrome
  • Tourette’s Syndrome
  • And countless other problems an individual may be struggling with

How can neurofeedback brain training treat all these different conditions, you may ask? Neurofeedback training is mapped to the individual’s brain waves, making it an entirely customized treatment regimen that can target any number of symptoms that are triggered by your brain waves.

Considering Neurofeedback Brain Training In Denver?

If you feel like you’re not living your life to your full potential – whether because of a degenerative health disorder or just a gut feeling that you could be doing more, neurofeedback and other forms of brain training are worth considering.

Contact Braincode Centers today to learn more about neurofeedback brain training in Denver.