Depression is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental health disorders in the United States. In any given year, approximately 20 million adults are being treated in some way for depression. Unfortunately, due to lack of awareness, education, and a generally negative stigma surrounding mental health disorders, many people are not being treated (or not being treated effectively) for their symptoms of depression.

Depression presents very differently depending on the person. Symptoms vary dramatically and can include anything from feelings of constant sadness and hopelessness to insomnia and difficulty concentrating. If you or someone you love is experiencing symptoms of depression, all hope is not lost. There are a number of different options available to treat depression. You and your physician or other trusted health advisor have to find what works for you.

For some people, minor changes can make a big difference in the presentation and severity of depression symptoms. Let’s discuss some natural ways to treat symptoms of depression.

Diet and Exercise

Diet and exercise play such a key role in your overall health and wellbeing. When symptoms of depression start to creep in, this is where most healthcare professionals will recommend you concentrate first. Here are some tips for modifying your diet and exercise regimen to support a healthier state of mind:

  • Reduce your intake of sweets – Foods that are high in sugar will spike your blood sugar, leading to a sense of euphoria for a little while, until your blood sugar levels normalize again.
  • Minimize caffeine and alcohol intake – While these two dietary elements work in opposing ways, they can both lead to mood swings, increased anxiety, and a general worsening of your depression symptoms.
  • Keep a close eye on your vitamin intake – Vitamin B6 is especially important to your mental health. It is essential for the production of the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine. Your Vitamin B6 levels can be affected by external sources, such a diet, oral contraceptives, or hormone replacement therapies. Equally as important is magnesium, which also plays a role in the production of serotonin. You can increase your magnesium levels naturally by upping your intake of legumes, nuts, grains, and greens.
  • Incorporate exercise into your regular routine – As Elle Woods pointed out, exercise increases endorphins and endorphins make people happy. Now, we know this is easier said than done, but regular exercise does play a role in increasing the chemicals in your brain that have been shown to elevate mood. Additionally, exercise can also reduce stress symptoms, which often exacerbate symptoms of depression.

Even just the slightest, concentrated effort to make changes to your routine that support your mental health can show results. If you’re looking for natural ways to treat depression and curb the effects of the symptoms you’re experiencing, diet and exercise are a great place to start.

Light Therapy

Have you heard of seasonal affective disorder? It is ironically referred to as SAD and is a very real disorder where people experience reduced serotonin levels and increased symptoms of depression during the winter months when there is less sunlight. On a very fundamental level, light plays a key role in our mental wellbeing. It helps regulate your sleep and wake cycle, increases the mood influencing chemical serotonin, and so much more. Being sure to get plenty of vitamin D is an important element in treating depression, but light therapy doesn’t stop there.

Bright light therapy, typically white light therapy, has also been shown to be an effective, prescription-free treatment for depression. It breaks out of the traditional pill approach to treating depression and gives sufferers an alternative that poses little to no negative side effects.


Neurofeedback is natural depression treatment option that is rapidly becoming more and more popular in mental health circles. Neurofeedback is a training program that is customized specifically to the person based on a qEEG brain map. The brain map helps your neurofeeback clinicians identify pathways that are being affected by or potentially causing your symptoms of depression. With that information, your neurofeedback clinician can map out a personalized training program that utilizes positive feedback to help you strengthen and even forge new neural pathways. This is an all-natural treatment option for those experiencing symptoms of depression and looking for effective solutions.

Treat Depression Naturally With The Help Of Braincode Centers

The symptoms of depression are difficult to manage on a good day and debilitating on a bad one. At Braincode Centers, we strive to not only offer hope in the form of an effective solution but also offer clients a safe and supportive place to come when they are struggling.

If you’re struggling with symptoms of depression and are looking for a natural treatment option that helps you regain control of your life, give the neurofeedback clinicians at Braincode Centers a call to set up a consultation.